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short circuit constraints

ATTA , 08-14-2024, 03:17 PM
Hello everyone
I am using altium designer
Today i have designed a pcb layout.
I used some solid regions and placed them between components and VIAS .
After DRC i am facing error

"Short circuit constraints between solid regions and VIA"

After this error i have made changes in Rules and short circuit rule (chech)
The error is removed back but when i uncheck short circuit rules. The errors appears again.

My question is
How can i connect solid regions with a component pad ?
Noelia Scotti , 08-14-2024, 03:26 PM
Hello! Are you configuring the net of the solid regions properly?
ATTA , 08-14-2024, 03:43 PM
Solid regions also needs net name ?
Noelia Scotti , 08-14-2024, 03:57 PM
It is not the name, it is the electrical connection configuration.
Noelia Scotti , 08-14-2024, 03:58 PM
Anyway I recommend to use polygons not solid regions for copper areas, its configuration is more flexible
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