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Component Selection

Sakib816 , 02-20-2024, 12:50 PM
Are there any guidelines for component selection in PCB design? I mean, are there guidelines for using specific footprints or component packages for resistors, inductors, or capacitors?
Robert Feranec , 02-20-2024, 02:36 PM
I often use 0402, smallest size which still can be easily hand soldered. For higher voltage or higher currents I often use one of the smallest footprints which has a good price e.g. 0805 or 1206
SirJames , 02-20-2024, 04:50 PM
For me, 0603 is best all around footprint. I'm able to solder it by hand if needed and 0603 capacitors can still be used as bypass capacitors for TSSOP chips.
QDrives , 02-20-2024, 09:02 PM
Other than your preferred package size as already mentioned, I can think of using the 0306 (not 0603) if you need low inductance.
Most resistors and capacitors are in standard packages and it is up to you to pick one that you prefer.
Whenever you need something special, well... it is special, that can include the footprint.
The (bigger) inductors are more varying in footprint.
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