Schematic Symbol TQFP 128
Eoliveira , 01-17-2019, 06:10 PM
Hello Everyone !!
I'm doing schematic symbol TQFP 128 to microcontroller TM4C129ENCPDTI3R, When I try to use it in Schematic page, it look very big because the quantity of pins !!
Do you have some sugestion to improve the aperance of schematic symbol ?

Paul van Avesaath , 01-18-2019, 08:11 AM
make it in multiple parts..
so first tools-> new component..
make a block with only power pins..
then tools -> New part create the IO pins (or whatever you want)
keep making parts that make sense for your design..
when you done you have a multi part lib component.
it's linked so when updating the designator it will all be U100A, U100B, U100C etc.
good luck
Eoliveira , 01-18-2019, 04:02 PM
@Paul van Avesaath very nice solution. !!!

Thank you very much
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