Reg connecting pins in schematic
vijunair , 04-08-2018, 08:54 PM
I am finding it difficult to connect pins in schematic. I am using the same settings as yours in the video on cadence allegro. I have to hover over the pins for a long time for the red circle to appear and even then connection is not happening sometimes. Let me know if you have heard any issue like this before..thanks
robertferanec , 04-08-2018, 09:08 PM
What operating system are you using?
vijunair , 04-24-2018, 08:32 AM
I think it was bcoz the schematic symbols were created in offgrid and then i changed to on grid which crested the issue. Thanks
robertferanec , 04-24-2018, 08:38 AM
Yes, that could be the problem. Thanks for sharing the solution!
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