DRC related error and DRC settings.
Poo , 09-15-2015, 04:36 AM
While running DRC I got error massage as
" Access violation at address 2578938B in module 'ADVPCB.DLL'. Read of address 000001C8 at 2578938B.
Exception Occurred In
Suggestions please.
robertferanec , 09-15-2015, 04:38 AM
I would try to switch off and on Altium. That sometimes helps.
Poo , 09-15-2015, 05:08 AM
Yes its working ...Thanks....but I hope its not a big issue ...well, if possible can you plz suggest me about DRC violation Display correct setting( as its highlighting all the component rather it should highlight only DRC affected component , is there any prerequisite setting for it as its not working properly?) and any video which shows actual routing of complex board with DRC evaluation.(Last suggested video has a very little routing). Thanks In Advance..

robertferanec , 09-16-2015, 12:47 AM
Altium is "famous" for crashing. There are some certain situations or configurations which will consistently crash. Usually restarting Altium helps, if not, you need to find a different way to do the thing which cause crashing.
I do not have preferred DRC settings, as I sometimes change them during design process (e.g. enabling/disabling "Un-Routed Net"). Normally I do not use things like "Testpoint" or "Signal Integrity", but the other rules are usually checked.
When working with DRC, I recommend to use PCB Rules and Violation window (go to your PCB, go to the bottom right corner, click on PCB -> PCB Rules and Violations). Browse through the Rules, double click on Violation and try "Jump" & "Highlight" buttons. See the attached screenshot.
Poo, 09-16-2015, 07:42 AM
Ok...Thanks again.
Serpil , 01-09-2018, 10:21 PM
Hello , I have same problem but it's related to Doviashielding. In circuit there is no polygon but it gives this error
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