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Designing my own board

eminyaren , 06-09-2022, 08:35 AM
I am 47 years old and after all these years I realized that I love designing electronics because of you (Robert Feranec).
Even I got soldering iron set for my self and some other simple parts. Anyway I know it is not an easy task (learning electronics) but I will do.
The best way to learn is doing something (even it is simple) so I watched your video series about doing a simple board and I think a made my own design with different components (but not that different ) I want to share it here so if I made something wrong, someone can help me (or I hope).
Thank you for your videos, I am learning a lot of thing.
robertferanec , 06-10-2022, 04:10 AM
WOW It's always super nice to read words like this. Just build the board. I only had a very brief look at your schematic and didn't see anything wrong, but even if there was something wrong, you don't need to worry. Debugging, mistakes, solutions it's all part of the fun and learning. Nothing makes you more happy than if you find what the problem was and then you fix it And nothing teaches you more than trying to understand your circuit and find out why it's not working.
eminyaren, 06-10-2022, 05:35 AM
Thank you for your nice words, I will do my best
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