Altium Components Placement - How to place the DIP socket over the MCU
julianop99 , 11-03-2020, 03:04 AM
Hi, my issue is related to the course Learn to Design your own boards (Udemy), chapter 3 step 87:
Robert places the MCU on the board and then snaps and rotate the DIP socket and place it on pin 1.
I have an issue here because my DIP socket is not snaping the in the indicated position, so everytime I try to place it, a colision is indicated and on 3D view they are not on top of each other - please refer to attached pictures.
Can you please guide me here so I can continue with the lessons?
Best regards
robertferanec , 11-05-2020, 11:20 AM
- 3D model position: Please, double check footprints. Looks like 3d model of the microcontroller is not moved up?
- Snapping: Try CTRL+E and play with the settings. Altium keeps changing this, it can be very annoying
PS: Do not forget to set exceptions, so you do not get the collisions
qdrives , 11-12-2020, 12:35 PM
@robertferanec I would suggest using component classes for components that has 3D 'collisions' It is much easier to export/import rules that way and reduces the number of rules.
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