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polygon pouring

krishnaprasad mb , 05-07-2020, 07:11 AM
I have some doubts about polygon pouring

1.how to shape or customise polygon shape?
2,how to simply draw a polygon ?
3.what are steps to pouring ?
any idea about this.please help me sir.
robertferanec , 05-11-2020, 02:34 AM
Hmm .. I do not have any specific video about this. This has been changing a lot between Altium versions, so it really depends on what version you have.

At AD20, you just click on a polygon, it should get selected. Hover cursor over edges and you can move them. If you need to add more corners, hover over edge, press CTRL and left click.

This may help a little bit: https://youtu.be/L36KicrU45Q?t=1159

Polygons are very annoying sometimes, I do not have any special technique for this, just, I try to draw them as the last objects on my PCB.

3) I am not sure what you mean ... like pouring for example GND into empty space on your PCB? I do not normally do that.
krishnaprasad mb, 05-15-2020, 10:22 PM
tanku for yur reply sir
Paul van Avesaath , 05-15-2020, 02:49 AM
maybe you are confused with planes / polygons.. ?
krishnaprasad mb, 05-15-2020, 10:23 PM
yes.i am confusing with drawing defferent polygon in a layer for deffrent signal.how to shap the polygon
robertferanec , 05-16-2020, 12:37 AM
@krishnaprasad mb do you mean like how to decide what shape of polygon to use or how to adjust shape of an existing polygon?
krishnaprasad mb , 05-18-2020, 07:32 AM
yes sir.i have totally more doubts in polygon pouring .no tutorials available for polygon pouring altium 19 .https://resources.altium.com/webinars/2018-09-20-efficient-polygon-practices-en-webinar
i am watched this webinar .but some more doubts using polygon for high power boards.any webinar or tutorial available for the same sir?

sir i have one more doubts about routing.recently you cleared a doubt about using similer placement using unions.i am compled placement with rooms .now i want to route similerly all similer set of placements.i am done one set of routing.how to copy this routing?
robertferanec , 05-19-2020, 04:31 AM
- I do not have any special tutorial about polygons, maybe this can help a little bit: https://youtu.be/56FvQX63Ea0

- you can simply copy layout (CTRL+C & CTRL+V), but have a look at this video: https://youtu.be/dYgvRCrVeOI
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