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layer stack up Altuim20

Dexter512 , 04-13-2020, 01:45 PM
there is a difference in layer stack up between Altuim20 and course. I cannot do it or may I cannot understand it. any help, please
robertferanec , 04-14-2020, 11:39 AM
This may help. It is still not AD20, but it is similar: https://welldoneblog.fedevel.com/201...e-new-old-way/

If you have any specific questions, just attach a screenshot and let me know here.
Dexter512 , 04-15-2020, 02:57 PM
thank you so much, MR.@robert
krishnaprasad mb , 04-30-2020, 11:20 AM
can u help me about the topic LAYER STACK MANAGER .
1.what i smeant by rigid flux and printed electronics,back drill features?normal boards are which feature ?
2.how to set up a six layer properly in altium
3.layer stack manger is totally confusing

please give a short class for setting layers properly for high power and low power boards.it is my request sir
krishnaprasad mb , 04-30-2020, 11:28 AM
sir ,
i have another doubt about core prepreg,plane layer totally confusing this .what is the deffrent requirement for these ?
beamray , 05-01-2020, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by krishnaprasad mb
sir ,
i have another doubt about core prepreg,plane layer totally confusing this .what is the deffrent requirement for these ?
You need to dig into technology a bit first.
Rigid PCB may have back-drill feature, but it is rare and high-speed mostly. Printed electronics is for, well, printed electronics. and flex is for flex and regid-flex board.

To be fast:
All tracks made of copper, you can use stanalone copper foil. Core - are redid dielectric it is has copper foil on it most of times. Prepregs are working like semi-flex glue.
Planes are inverted (negative) layers (what you draw there will be places without copper) used mostly for GND and power.

for power boards you need to be more specific and i suggest starting new thread for it. Cuz results may vary depending on your circuit.

robertferanec , 05-04-2020, 04:44 AM
I would also recommend to watch these:
- How is a multilayer PCB made? https://youtu.be/67WhV0EDqCA
- PCB Manufacturing - Important facts you should know https://youtu.be/f6_svRNJYls

Rigid - this is a standard solid PCB. Flex is flexible PCB
Backdrilling: they will drill part of VIA out, so there is no copper in part of VIA (used to improve signal quality in high speed boards, normally you do not use it)
Six Layer PCB: As a starting point, you can check stackups from low cost manufacturers, e.g. here: https://www.pcbway.com/multi-layer-l...structure.html

krishnaprasad mb , 05-04-2020, 04:57 AM
tanku sir.i am filled a form in your youtube channel for translation.pls review my requrst
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