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strange cross select

michael , 04-17-2024, 09:53 AM
Hi everyone ! I'm referring to a post from the old forum two years ago which had the same title. I ran into the same problem on Altium 24. As soon as I use a dual monitor setup, Altium still deletes connections in the schematic when I select a trace to delete to in Layout (cross selection mode active) . When I do the same thing with just one single screen, the connections in schematic remain after deleting the coresponding trace in Layout. Is there any workaround for this, or am I missing a special setup in preferences ? I mean, these days it's ridiculous being forced to use just one screen with these kind of tools.
QDrives , 04-17-2024, 03:13 PM
What you describe sound like a bug to me. I would contact Altium support and have them make sure that it is fixed.
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