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Selecting a library management

Schornsteinfeger , 06-24-2024, 05:49 PM
I have experience with integrated library but not with database libraries. I find the component verification when compiling the integrated library quite useful. But since we are already using SVN for version control, I am wondering if database libraries are better with SVN. I would like to know how is the database library in comparison to integrated library, with regards to SVN integration, ease of use and error checking.
Unfortunately, we cannot use 365 library.
QDrives , 06-24-2024, 08:13 PM
I do not use SVN, nor A365.
I never found the database library useful. It may be nice for resistors and capacitors, but that is about it.
If you want to work in tables, you can use the parameter manager.
Schornsteinfeger , 06-24-2024, 09:52 PM
Which one do you use?
Kamil , 06-25-2024, 04:18 AM
I use database library from the beginning and I think it is very useful. No redundancy in symbols and footprints... Apart from resistors and capacitors, many ICS has so called standard pinouts for opamps or others if you think of sch symbols. If about footprints... It is obvious... You have all your PCBs looks like it is your standard... No differences eg in so-8 footprint s if you use ics from different integrated libraries from eg different sources...
Robert Feranec , 06-25-2024, 05:18 AM
I have never finished implementation of our library system but the latest idea was svn/git for symbols and footprints and database for parameters (+ links to the symbols and footprints). I still keep using integrated libraries, but that is not the best solution for bigger teams and bigger libraries
Schornsteinfeger , 06-25-2024, 05:58 AM
Is there component validation and error checking in database library like it has in integrated?
QDrives , 06-25-2024, 08:04 PM
Just plain SchLib and PcbLib. But what helps:
- Pas - Resistors.SchLib
- Pas - Capacitors.SchLib
- Act - Discretes.SchLib
- etc.
- SMD - Passives.PcbLib
- SMD - Actives.PcbLib
- etc.

As for the validation and error checking, either you get the warning when creating the integrated library or you get the warning with the ECO schematic->board.
Besides, I create the symbol, footprint, 3D model and assign spice model all at the same time.

@Kamil How many times have you changed your symbols?
You SO-8 package may not be optimal for that exact component. There are IPC names that will prevent you from recreating identical footprints.
Schornsteinfeger , 06-25-2024, 11:00 PM
I was asking about the database library. I wanted to know if the database library also has the error checking when creating components, like integrated libraries have.
QDrives , 06-26-2024, 03:13 PM
No, none of the other (file based) libraries have that (including database). I do not know about A365.
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