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How to use Top Overlay drawing as assembly drawing?

info@ewtech.de , 05-03-2018, 01:52 PM
Is there a way to use drawings on Top Overlay for assembly drawing as well? I know, the text information on TopOverly could be placed in a different position than on mechanical layers used for assembly drawings. As you showed in your Voipac example, all the texts on the assembly drawings are nicely placed in the middle of the relevant component which is not the case for TopOverly. On TopOverly the texts must be visible even after all components are assembled. Beyond that, I mean just to use the drawings on TopOverly to be copied or used somehow for assembly drawing could ease life a little bit. Isn't it? Trying to copy the lines that are used on Top Overlay and to paste them on user-defined mechanical layer seems not to be possible.

By the way, I defined the mechanical layer which
I want to use for assembly drawings. I used mechanical 29 and 30 and renamed them to Ass_Drw_1 and Ass_Drw_2 in PCB editor and I defined the layer pair for them. When I go to PCB Library Editor, I do not see Ass_Drw_1 and Ass_Drw_2 but I see mechanical 13 and 15 instead. What is wrong with my layers?
robertferanec , 05-04-2018, 10:20 AM
Trying to copy the lines that are used on Top Overlay and to paste them on user-defined mechanical layer seems not to be possible.
You may want to use Edit -> Paste special -> Check Paste on current layer (you need to be on the layer where you would like to place it)

By the way, I defined the mechanical layer which I want to use for assembly drawings. I used mechanical 29 and 30 and renamed them to Ass_Drw_1 and Ass_Drw_2 in PCB editor and I defined the layer pair for them. When I go to PCB Library Editor, I do not see Ass_Drw_1 and Ass_Drw_2 but I see mechanical 13 and 15 instead. What is wrong with my layers?
I believe, the project layer naming is independent from names of layers in your library. Or the other words, I don't think layer names and properties are transferred between library and project.
info@ewtech.de , 05-05-2018, 01:42 PM
The Paste Special worked out.
About my Ass_Drw_1 and Ass_Drw_2 layers, I have to say, I just watched your tutorial again and I paid more attention to this part, where you say, in the library I need to activate only one layer for assembly drawing.
Now everything works. Thank you very much.
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