mairomaster , 04-20-2017, 01:44 AM
I normally use the following settings:
You can set the minimum and maximum allowed size of the designators.
In Layer Options, you can chose the reference for the component size. I am using the courtyard mechanical layer (also used in the assembly drawings) for the purpose. According to the component size determined by the selected layer primitives, the script automatically adjusts the font size of the designators.
In Designators to include, I am modifying only the mechanical designators (the silk screen ones are usually arranged by hand to fit between the components).
The script basically rotates the designators so they are either 0 or 90 degrees according to the orientation of the component, sets the font to True font, adjusts the font size according to the size of the footprint and centres the designators. The only drawback is that the overall component bounding rectangle is used to centre the designators. In some cases this leads to not that perfect alignment, because of none-symmetrically primitives outside of the component body (for example silk screen markings or none-symmetrical component body which extends beyond the courtyard). In such cases you might need to modify those by hand. In the majority of the cases it's alright though.