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altium takes time to run

Abdo , 09-21-2016, 05:55 PM
hi there
hi Robert

i would have ask you and share you what happened with me and get solving for this issue

when I run altium from all programmers it takes much much time to work and during witting i saw most of my projects upload in the background of altium

is there any way to make altium faster when i clicked its icon

mairomaster , 09-22-2016, 01:49 AM
It helps if you don't keep many projects/pcb files opened at the same time. Otherwise Altium will need to open all of them every time you start it.

Apart from that you just need a relatively good PC - SSD drive helps a lot as well.
robertferanec , 09-22-2016, 01:32 PM
I agree with @mairomaster. Normally I have almost nothing installed on the computer where I use Altium for work. I use virtual computers a lot to install all the "ballast" or one-time / not frequently uses applications.
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