Tutorial-96 of Mr. @Robert Feranec course
Satyaveer Singh Rawat , 11-05-2023, 02:56 AM
Hi All, I am trying to import schematic into PCB and getting the3d view of finished placement as shown in attached screenshot-1 on contrary to reference view of screenshot 2. I have followed all the procedure till the tutorial-96 but not getting exact 3-D view. Please help me to get the corrected one. Problem is from the Tutorial 96 of Mr. @
Robert Feranec course, " Learn to Design Your Own Boards " on Udemy.
WhoKnewKnows , 11-05-2023, 05:52 AM
I suspect that if you look to the
view configuration panel, you'll see a control that shows and hides the 3D models. Let us know if this doesn't get you going right.
I recommend getting used to looking through the various panels and menus for what might control an aspect of the design you'd like to change and experiment with things to gain an understanding of what does what. Explore Altium and see about all of the curious things you can do with it VS only following Robert's expert guidance on getting to a certain conclusion.
Start by looking at all of the controls in the view configuration panel. Experiment with what each thing in that panel does.

Satyaveer Singh Rawat, 11-05-2023, 07:05 AM
Thank you very much for your help to solve my problem. Your suggestion regarding exploring Altium besides Robert's tutorials is welcomed but I want to add here that I am a beginner in PCB designing so If I want to learn something I have to follow the step by step instructions otherwise neither I will able to learn this one nor the other aspects. Once I am familiar with all the controls then I can explore more avenues of Altium. Meanwhile please keep on helping me as you are already doing a fantastic favour to me.
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