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Altium 23.9.2 Outjob output container rearrangement fails.

WhoKnewKnows , 10-09-2023, 04:22 PM
Hi All,

I used to be able to arrange the output containers items (right column) by dragging and dropping. Recently, I've found them out of the usual order and when I drag and drop, the order of these items remains unchanged, even though the cursor behavior and various on screen hints appear as if it's going to work.

EG if I drag an item from the bottom of the list upward towards central to the list, a ghost of it attaches to the cursor as I drag. As the cursor approaches to line between two other items, that line gets darker as if to telegraph that it's going to put the dragged item between these two where the darkening line is if I let go of the mouse button. Then I take my finger off the mouse button and and nothing happens.

If I click the word "Container", the list of "output containers" reverses its listing, click it again it's back to the order it was before.

I created a new outjob file and messed around with that one. Doesn't seem to help. I thought perhaps my original outjob was corrupted somehow.

I tried opening the outjob file in a text editor, and that works, but I don't see what I might change to be able to alter the order they appear.

I tried renaming each output container to see if they were listed in alpha order. Nope.

Is anyone else able to rearrange their outjob output container list? Maybe there's something wrong with my installation?
JohnsonMiller , 10-10-2023, 02:16 AM
AD 23.9.2:
Along with this reported issue, I also saw a problem with PCB most of the time, the drill table is relocated. I have to relocate the table, but next time it happens again.
Another issue is the fact that software is much slower and I have seen software crash several times,
In previous releases of AD, we used to receive a warning or error dialog about memory or software error, and there was a chance to save files, but in newer releases, AD crashes all of a sudden and data is lost.
WhoKnewKnows , 10-10-2023, 06:23 AM
Redirecting, I was hoping for help with this.

Could a volunteer try moving (drag & drop) an output container in their output container list of their outjob and LMK the results. Are you able to change the order this way? Perhaps you have another way to control the order?
qdrives , 10-10-2023, 02:12 PM
Yes, I am able to drag the container. I use AD23.7.1.
When you drag it up/down do you also see two blue lines in between the other?

The memory warning is a yellow, orange or red box at the bottom right of Altium. There is no 'green' so it suddenly appears.
See this yellow one below. It is actually the GDI objects and not memory and Altium is terrible at releasing them.
WhoKnewKnows , 10-10-2023, 02:33 PM
Thanks @qdrives!
Yes I get the same appearance, but when I let go, the entire list scrolls to the bottom and when I scroll up to view if the move was successful I find the list order hasn't changed 😕

Thanks for checking for me 🙏
qdrives , 10-11-2023, 01:14 PM
@WhoKnewKnows Drag from low to high or high to low?
License active to change in Altium?
JobFile can be changed for other things (so it is not read-only)?
WhoKnewKnows , 10-12-2023, 07:15 AM
License is active.
I've tried both directions, picking from one end and dropping at the next point of insertion, picking from one end and dropping mid stack, picking from one end and dropping at the opposite end. Picking from a mid-list point and various drop points.

Next I'm going to try resetting Altium settings back to default, then I figured I would reinstall Altium.

I need to decide how important it is for me to have this work right VS effort and time for dealing with the potential remedies
WhoKnewKnows , 10-12-2023, 07:17 AM
Thanks for the help and attention, @qdrives
qdrives , 10-12-2023, 01:11 PM
@WhoKnewKnows Personally I would invest more time in getting the project releaser to work to your liking.
The order seems more for manual release optimization.
WhoKnewKnows , 10-12-2023, 01:29 PM
Yeah, just what I was thinking too. Thanks again
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