Create electrically nonconnected Mounting holes inside a footprint , 06-28-2022, 06:54 AM
Electrically not connected mounting holes for M3 studs can be created in PCB layout by using: Tools/Convert/Create board Cutout from selected primitives.
I noticed the following:
- The "Create board Cutout from selected primitives" works for one hole at a time. You cannot apply it to 4 holes at once.
- The "Create board Cutout from selected primitives" is not available when creating a footprint
- The radius of the holes cannot be set afterwards via properties. (The coords can be changed though)
How can I create a hole in the PCB inside a footprint ?
qdrives , 06-29-2022, 01:15 PM
I assume you want a non-plated through hole.
Oh, and create a special rule for the solder mask expansion too. , 06-30-2022, 03:33 AM
Aha! Thank you!
Documenting this here for later use:
While in PCB editor I selected: Design/Rules/Design Rules/Mask/Solder Mask Expansion/SolderMaskExpansion
Than I used the Wizzard to create a dummy rule which I edited afterwards with:
- a name "SolderMaskExpansion_NonPlated" ,
- a tag on "Solder Mask From The Hole Edge"
- typing the magic words: (ObjectKind = 'Pad') And (Layer = 'Multi-Layer') And (PadIsPlated = 'False')
Thanks again.
robertferanec , 07-08-2022, 12:09 AM
You can also create a mounting hole schematic symbol with 1 pin + footprint and when you use it in schematic, do not connect the pin. That will create a mounting hole which is not connected to nets on your PCB.
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