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copy paste parameter in schmeatic

margo20 , 04-11-2022, 11:16 AM
hi guys. is there anyway to copy paste same parameters into our schematic components?
qdrives , 04-16-2022, 09:28 AM
Like @WhoKnewKnows mentioned, there is the library manager. Tools / parameter manager.
Check the parts box and uncheck the others.

To add a new parameter click on the Add column button. However, if the parameter exists on one of the components, the column will already be there and you can change the value.
margo20, 04-17-2022, 12:07 AM
oh that's right. tnx for answering me.
WhoKnewKnows , 04-11-2022, 06:25 PM
If you're wanting to work with the parameters in a schematic design, I think you'll find what you're looking for in Tools>parameter manager.
margo20, 04-16-2022, 01:23 AM
hi WhoKnewKnows @WhoKnewKnowsSuppose i have a schematic library with 20 component in it.i want to add a parameter to all 20 component in it.how should i do it?
robertferanec , 04-15-2022, 12:34 AM
I am not sure what you are trying to do. could you provide more details?
margo20, 04-16-2022, 01:18 AM
hi fedevel. robertferanecSuppose i have a schematic library with 20 component in it.i want to add a parameter to all 20 component in it. how should i do it?
margo20 , 04-16-2022, 01:38 AM
Suppose i have a schematic library with 20 component in it.
i want to add a parameter to all 20 component in it.
how should i do it?
qdrives , 04-16-2022, 09:28 AM
Like @WhoKnewKnows mentioned, there is the library manager. Tools / parameter manager.
Check the parts box and uncheck the others.

To add a new parameter click on the Add column button. However, if the parameter exists on one of the components, the column will already be there and you can change the value.
margo20, 04-17-2022, 12:07 AM
oh that's right. tnx for answering me.
WhoKnewKnows , 04-16-2022, 06:52 PM
Yes, it appears the same parameter manager is available to manage the parameters of either the schematic design (schematic document active), or the schematic library (schematic library file active). I highly recommend exploring the menus and getting familiar with what each thing does. Note that whatever the user has active, or open, they can press the F1 key and immediately be transported to Monaco. Just kidding, the user will be immediately transported to Altium's help section of their website specific to the item you're viewing.
margo20, 04-17-2022, 12:06 AM
very good. tnx.
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