Thanks Mr qdriver for the reply
and for tell me about the frequency at with plane could be seen as a Resistance or Inductor .
Excuse if I did not tell you my requirement, because I have not...we was discussing about a general
question that is : divide or not the plane.
About your last solution, I not agree ( ..I dont have any measure for say this.. only form a theorical
point of wiev )
Let me motivate:
We agree that GND plane can be seen as a Resistence in serie with a Inductor ,as shown in the attach
named -Gnd_Plane-.
R depend on material
L depend on distance beetwen direct and return path as we know .
We have that,the total noise on GND is:
dV = R dI + L dI/dT
Faster is the rise time, more is the noise dV on the GND plane.
So,cominng back to your design:
If the analog part must measure a voltage -VIN- as in Fig1 , then connect the Analog Circuit back
the Digital ,as you did in both design, I dont like.
Better solution is in Fig2,where 2 GND plane are in act.
Note i moved your cut line on the right side of PCB..
Also Fig3 seems a good solution : Keeping analog near GND-REF, so the L and R are minimized.
If the Analalog part must measure a voltage refered to DIG Circuit, then FIG4 ..your solution,,,,is OK.

Are you agree ?