Properties popup window on double clicking component in PCBDOC is oversized
Arun , 09-28-2021, 06:09 AM
Properties popup window on double-clicking component in PCBDOC is oversized. It runs out of the full screen. How to adjust it to make it smaller to fit. The screenshot is attached.
robertferanec , 10-01-2021, 08:07 AM
Some laptops have a feature: if you hold cursor close to the top or bottom of the oversized window, the screen will scroll up or down. Otherwise, I do not know any special solution for this - I think, the window can't be make smaller. (sometimes you can move windows through ALT+spacebar and press "m", but this may not work if you would like to see the OK button .. but you can try)
Arun, 10-13-2021, 05:46 AM
Thanks Robert; yes, this can only move downwards but unable to take it up. So still unable to see right down till the OK button.
WhoKnewKnows , 10-01-2021, 08:35 PM
If the dialog instance has an accompanying tab on the task bar, you might be able to right click that tab and select move. This attaches the mouse cursor to the window. You can move the mouse, or use the arrow keys to move the dialog down and to one side or the other. Once the top or bottom of the dialog is viewable, you should be able to adjust its height and width to better fit your screen.
Another possible way is to alter the resolution setting of your monitor from within Windows settings. Hopefully you can select a resolution that shrinks everything enough to be able to view the entire dialog and adjust its size.
Another idea is to attach a higher resolution monitor to your computer and disable the current one so that everything shows on the high resolution monitor. Adjust the display resolution as necessary, yada yada, Bob's your uncle.
Finally, there's the dreaded reset Altium settings back to defaults option.
Anyway, just a few more ideas. No promises. Your mileage may vary. Good luck
Arun, 10-13-2021, 05:48 AM
Yes a high resolution monitor, particularly with higher vertical resolution seems to solve it but on my old laptop the problem persists. Thanks.
qdrives , 10-05-2021, 08:17 AM
Not really helpful, but... That is why I have a 4K monitor. I was looking at 8K, but the PC (laptop) is unable to drive that and a newer one it too expensive (€6k+, also fast for simulation)
Anyhow, such dialog windows are a nightmare. Most solutions, like Alt-Space, often only work for the main window.
Perhaps one of these tools may help: option: use of higher resolution external monitor?
Arun, 10-13-2021, 05:50 AM
Thanks for your comment. High resolution seems to be the solution. I will try " " and come back. Thanks once again!
qdrives , 10-15-2021, 09:55 AM
@Arun I do not know of a laptop (old or new) that does not have the ability for an external monitor. It may be defective, but otherwise you could connect a monitor or TV.
In the past I have also seen a Microsoft tool where you could 'find' all windows (including client dialogs) and send messages to them (like resize).

Read about the Spy++ debugging tool. Display a graphical tree of system object relationships. Get properties for selected windows, threads, processes, or messages.
Easy - No, can it help - possibly.
There are also some alternatives to Microsoft's Spy++.
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