Missing Flex Bending Lines!
JohnsonMiller , 05-03-2021, 12:48 AM
Hi Guys,
In a design 4 flex section and a complex bending exists, it takes a long time to set and tune bendings. Problem is that when I do a small change in board shape, even in the rigid section, all bending data goes away and I have to set them all again, very time-consuming and annoying. I was wondering: 1) Is there anything that I doing wrong? Or clearing bending data have to happen? 2) Is there any possibility to save or import/export bending info?
robertferanec , 05-03-2021, 03:00 AM
I also have a lot of problems with flex - I am still not sure how good it is. I am having a call with Altium helping me figure out what is actually possible and how it all suppose to work.
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