most efficient way to handle multi-PCB project
gommer , 04-23-2021, 05:08 AM
Hello All,
First of all, if it matters, using AD19.
Not new to electronics design, schematic entry, nor PCB design. I am however struggling with deciding on the way to go forward for my next project.
It's a typical audio project with main PCB, front and back-panel PCB's. These are always produced in the same numbers and they all form one complete system.
Main PCB has 4 or 6 layers; while the other PCB could suffice with only 2 layers (cost reduction).
For the above reasons, I do draw the complete schematics in a single project to start with.
Now, how to proceed to PCB design. Not experienced with multi-PCB design in AD. The best method I can think of is to copy the project as many times as there are PCB's and delete the parts on other PCB's in each version. Then start a 1 on 1 sch-pcb PCB design for each.
Any advice or experience is welcomed.
Kind regards, Marc
WhoKnewKnows , 04-23-2021, 06:16 AM
HI Altium has multi board system design feature

This page provides an overview of Altium Designer's support for multi-board (system-level) design, covering capture of the logical system design, creation of the physical board assembly, and generation of multi-board production data
Please enjoy
qdrives , 04-23-2021, 01:34 PM
If you need to 'copy' part of the schematic, you could also think about using device sheet. Unfortunately, no such thing exists for the layout.
robertferanec , 04-24-2021, 01:09 AM
I can't help much with this question.
I have not built a proper multiboard project in Altium yet. I tried it some time ago. At that time it was not exactly what I was expecting, but I should probably try with the latest Altium again.
qdrives , 04-29-2021, 10:12 AM
I see a couple of remarks towards multi-board. However, I do not think that is the problem to begin with (it may end with it).
If the various have different stack-ups, then they are different boards. Each board is its own project with schematic and layout.
When the boards are placed together, then it becomes a multi-board design.
gommer , 04-30-2021, 09:32 AM
Well yes, this is how I understood this functionality myself: a multiboard project is in fact a collection of single board projects, with the addition of the interconnection definition on multiboard level. There are some additional functions, e.g. 3D assembly within Altium. But the way I see it, the overhead for a multboard project is not really worth it unless it involves an error-prone, complex system with many interconnections between boards.
qdrives , 05-03-2021, 07:25 AM
Multi-board projects are great for two things:
- Checking the connections. I have not seen/used this.
- Checking, and modifying, the boards in 3D. I have seen this in action where multiple big components were on multiple boards. In Altium it was possible to arrange the components that another could be placed without (3D) conflict.
But @gommer , has your question been answered?
gommer , 05-03-2021, 07:45 AM
@qdrives , yes, certainly. I have gained enough insights to decide starting a multi-PCB project or not. For a simple (interconnection or 3 dimensional) project I won't use it as it's too much overhead IMHO.
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