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SCH Library Comment

awhite , 08-07-2020, 01:54 PM
Does anyone know how to turn on the comments column in the SCH library panel? I have two columns. Design item ID and Description. I would like to have the comments column show up as that is where I put my internal part number reference. Altium tech support after three days, two phone calls from the wrong dept, numerous emails and I cannot get any response from them. Sorry, venting a bit. Subscriptions, cost and everything else but zero help.
qdrives , 08-08-2020, 05:52 AM
I do not think it is possible within the SCH library panel.

One alternative may be use the Components panel. There you can select the columns and do actions like sort and filter.
From there you can right click the component and select Edit.

But, if you want to select on the Comment (internal part reference number), what do use the Design Item ID for?
robertferanec , 08-10-2020, 10:00 AM
When I select a specific library, I can see comment there (I can't see when All is selected):

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