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Altium many off grid warnings

M. Namvar , 08-03-2020, 09:03 PM
i have imported a pads project to altium, i have built my schlib from it.
A few off grid problems appeared and I solved them.
The next day ,There were a lot of off grid problems for all the components that were almost unresolved.
No matter how much I changed the grid, Align to grid, checked the parts again, it did not work.
out of frustration, I selected all the parts and aligned them to the grid. Failed.
i closed the sch and reopened and suddenly it resolved.

after exiting altium and opening the project it appeared again.

any ideas?
robertferanec , 08-04-2020, 05:27 AM
Normally, schematics are done in 100mil possibly 50mil grid. It looks like you are using MM grid in schematic - that can cause a lot of problems.
qdrives , 08-04-2020, 08:43 AM
In schematic you can select everything and go to Edit / Align / Align to grid.
M. Namvar, 08-05-2020, 09:36 PM
There is no problem in selecting each component and aligning it with the eyes open .one by one and not everything together.i mean that.
M. Namvar , 08-05-2020, 12:40 AM
I solve it.

For anyone with this problem I suggest:

1-As Robert said,change grid to 50 or 100 mil grid.
2-run validate(compile) project again.
3-Pay attention to the change of units in Messages Panel from mm to mils.
4-if not changed ,go to schematic properties and set unit to mm and then again mils.
5--run validate(compile)project again.
6-again ,Pay attention to the change of units in Messages Panel from mm to mils!
7-align to grid the remaining components, in 50 mils or 100 mils (depended on your choice and component design in schlib).
8-run validate(compile)project again.
9-if the problem exists, you must check the components in schlib,pay attention to pin location (in 50 or 100 mil ).correct them ,save, update schematics pages.
10-run validate(compile)project again.
11-if the problem exists,you can delete and re-place the component.
12-run validate(compile)project again.
13-repeat the above step 7-12 again for other components.

Some uncommon suggestion:

1-save and close schlib and sch even if they already saved.
2-delete or move a component or power port.

I hope you do not get caught up in this.

qdrives, 08-05-2020, 08:14 AM
Exactly, 12 steps! I too had much trouble getting it on grid. Snapping/centre prosition, etc in Altium The only solution is the align to grid. This can be done on everything or individual symbols.The pins must be on grid, so the symbol in the library has to be correct to begin with.
WhoKnewKnows , 08-05-2020, 07:40 AM
For single pin schematic items like ports, the user can correct the coordinates of the item in the properties panel. If the schematic uses a 50 mil grid, typically, they'll have to adjust the numeric value to the nearest 50 mils value.
WhoKnewKnows , 08-05-2020, 07:42 AM
Please explain how align to grid command is dangerous?
M. Namvar, 08-05-2020, 09:37 PM
There is no problem in selecting each component and aligning it with the eyes open .one by one and not everything together.i mean that.
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