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strange stetch by assemby view

Siwei Xia , 06-30-2020, 03:39 AM

I have some very strange sketch on the assembly view. (see attachment)

this phenomena occurrs especially by some diodes. I checked the footprint setup (the sketches by all kinds of layers) again and again, but I didnt see anything wrong.

if any one can help?

best regards

robertferanec , 07-01-2020, 07:25 AM
I have seen those. I believe it was connected with 3D model. When I used a different 3D model, the problem was fixed.
Siwei Xia , 07-08-2020, 06:39 AM
Thanks for your feedback.

Yes, this phenomena occurs only "sometimes" and the 3D-model were generated by Altium Footprint Wizard. I just input some parameter from the datasheet.

What interesting is, the strange "line" does have a meaning - they always occurr on kathode side -_-

Any way, this is not a fatal error, the live keeps going on
robertferanec , 07-09-2020, 02:25 AM
Maybe try to open the STEP file in Fusion 360 and have a look if there is something visibly wrong. Maybe it can be easily corrected:
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