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Route Tool Path Layer

fararg1372@yahoo.com , 04-26-2020, 10:21 PM
Dear everyone,
I'm going to make a panelized PCB to deliver it to the manufacturer. My problem is I can not find Route Tool Path Layer in Altium 17. As I watched a video on this topic it was described as such:

Design -> Board Shape -> Create Primitives From Board Shape, and then choose 'Route Tool Path Layer' from drop-down menu. But I don't have a layer with this name. Can you help me find or add this layer and finalize my pcb panel. I should remember that I'm working with Altium Designer 17.1 edition.

Thank you
robertferanec , 04-28-2020, 03:21 AM
I do not really use this, maybe someone else can help?
fararg1372@yahoo.com , 04-28-2020, 11:28 AM
Well, what's the best idea for creating panel PCBs? When I created panel pcb from 'Embedded Board Arrays' option, the pcb manufacturer told me that the result is not a valid pcb file and so they began to create their own panel from my original pcb file. I'm looking for an efficient way to create panel pcb in Altium, where you are able to arrange several instances of your pcb in a bigger pcb file.
Thank you
robertferanec , 04-30-2020, 05:44 AM
I have created some Panels in some of my PCBs, but manufacturers often adjust it anyway, so I just stopped doing it. I only design the panel if it is really necessary.

What I normally do, is this: I simply just put a few notes into manufacturing notes and describe approximately what I need:

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