fanout using / is dropping 2 VIAs ?!
Arabela , 01-09-2020, 02:26 AM
Hi all
I have a big design and have to fanout 2900 pads, but the key / is not working properly, is dropping 2 vias instead of one.
All other keys are working, +, - is changing layers, is only the key / . I was thinking maybe is a setting that I don't know .
I used key 2 to drop via and then click right to end it, or I could use +,-. Is not a problem, but using / is faster.
I took my project and open it on other colleagues laptop and on him is working.
Anyone know what may be the problem, please ?
Thank you
chitransh92 , 01-09-2020, 05:55 AM
Hello @Arabela ,
I believe the default key in Altium for Via placement is '='
However, in the PCB mode, right click in the open space in the tool bar and click "customize".
This would open a "Customizing PCB Editor" dialog box. Then click "[Custom]" and Place Via shortcut shall appear there.. (as shown in the attached image)
You can double click and use '/' key (or any key you wish) instead of '=' here.
Hope this helps.
Arabela , 01-09-2020, 09:20 AM
Hi @chitransh92
Unfortunately is nothing in customize

, no customize key.
When I start tracking and press / is dropping a VIA, but then when I click left to place it , in that moment is placing another VIA on top .
So do you think maybe is the left click settings ?
The picture is after I press / and before left click for enter
robertferanec , 01-10-2020, 12:35 AM
Try "2"
PS: One of the best commands in Altium is SHIFT+F1 - it shows available shortcuts. So, when you are routing, use SHIFT+F1 to see what you can do:
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