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display posotion in altium

rle , 12-15-2019, 06:25 AM
Hello, I'm trying to fix the "position localization" display
could someone please tell me the rule to change to have this fixed display in a corner of the screen
MrSun , 12-15-2019, 08:12 PM
Hi rle,i think the position of "display information "can not be moved,you can close it in perference
robertferanec , 12-17-2019, 12:28 AM
I always switch it off - I have never needed it and most of the information can be found in the bottom of altium (in the status bar).
chinmaymayee , 12-20-2019, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by rle
Hello, I'm trying to fix the "position localization" display
could someone please tell me the rule to change to have this fixed display in a corner of the screen
By context, what you are suggesting is the heads up display moves as you move your cursor.
To toggle the setting you have to press shift+G key.
By pressing shift+G key, you can reposition the heads up display. Relocate the heads up display to where you want it and press shift+G key.
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