Altium runs slow on some part of board.
barismetin , 07-23-2019, 10:52 AM
Hi, I have the design of PCB from the preveious company and now I am doing version 2 for the client. I am trying to modify some of the parts of existing design but I have an issue with some nets. For example when I was trying to route 5 volts on the PCB Altium just freeze; however when I do 3 Volts it just works fine. I am super confused about what is causing this issue. I deleted all 5Volts traces and vias but still the same
robertferanec , 07-24-2019, 08:36 AM
Hmm .. that is Altium's magic. Maybe try different Altium's version or latest patch. If it keeps crashing ... I am not sure what I would do .. maybe trying to delete the net step-by-step to find out what exactly is causing the problem ...
mnpebm , 07-25-2019, 07:07 AM
This may sound strange, but sometimes I have done a "Save As" to a different file name. Also, would the "clean nets" feature provide any insight? This is located under Design/Netlist. Perhaps read on this feature.
barismetin , 07-26-2019, 11:00 AM
Thank you for all reply I never found the problem. The solution for this issue is I used snippets tool and divide board to 6 pieces and create new PCB file transfer old design to the new PCB file. Thank you for helping.
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