Replace 328 with ATMEGA2560
ican7 , 12-13-2016, 06:02 AM
Hi Robert ,As I understand In the 28 bit project you redesigned the arduino board to act as a programmer if no bootloader is present in any of the microcontrollers on board. In that case can I replace 328p with the 2560 found on Mega boards and still use 16u2 as a programmer or is the AVRISP MKII firmware f only compatible with 328p?
robertferanec , 12-13-2016, 10:05 AM
Try it first (buy boards with the chips and try it).
I would say, once you use the AVRISP MKII firmware, it should behave like a general programmer - that is only my opinion. You will need to double check. Sometimes things suppose to work together - but don't, they just don't ...
ican7 , 12-13-2016, 02:46 PM
Yes you are right Robert thank you

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