KiCad STM32 + RF + USB Hardware Design - Phil's Lab #5
Overview of STM32, RF, and USB hardware design, schematic creation, and PCB layout and routing in KiCad using a real-world example project.
Various tips on controlled impedance routing, differential pairs, USB, and RF layout. Correction in schematic: NRF24 IREF pin needs to be pulled low to GND via a 10k resistor (not to 3V3 as shown in the video!). Fix has been pushed to GitHub.
Various tips on controlled impedance routing, differential pairs, USB, and RF layout. Correction in schematic: NRF24 IREF pin needs to be pulled low to GND via a 10k resistor (not to 3V3 as shown in the video!). Fix has been pushed to GitHub.
- 00:00System overview, component selection
- 03:15STM32 pin-out and peripheral selection
- 04:10Schematic sectioning
- 04:48Power supply (power via USB, filtering, USB decoupling caps)
- 06:45STM32 microcontroller (USB connections and terminations, SPI, LEDs, decoupling)
- 09:55SWD (Serial Wire Debug) connector
- 10:45USB connector and ESD protection
- 13:11NRF24 RF transceiver
- 14:40Extern crystal (load capacitor calculation)
- 15:57RF antenna matching circuit
- 17:31Component selection and sizing
- 19:24Rough layout and sectioning (USB, power, microcontroller, and RF)
- 20:37Component placement order (most 'critical' components first)
- 21:30USB ESD protection placement
- 21:42RF layout
- 22:16Determining board outline (size and rounded edges)
- 22:42Fine-tuning the layout
- 23:24Layer stack-up (4 layer board)
- 24:16Sectioning (USB, power, microcontroller, and RF), track widths, and clearance
- 25:17Power and ground via connections to copper pours
- 26:00Ground and power planes
- 26:43Power supply routing
- 27:26STM32 routing
- 28:15Crystal routing
- 29:40RF and USB routing (trace impedance, differential routing, ground pours)
- 36:53RF guard ring
- 38:45Clearance between traces
- 39:25Via-in-pad
- 40:05Labelling and logo
- 40:40Marking 'pin 1' locations
- 40:53Marking diode polarity
- 41:42Checking your work
- 42:00Gerber and drill file export
- 42:25Footprint positions file (for assembly)
- 42:49Bill of materials (BOM)
- 43:10Gerber file check (via GerbView)